Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bottle Palm Trees in San Antonio, Tx?

Hello, I just purchased two 25 gallons Bottle Palms for my backyard. I have read on the internet that these trees do not tolerate cold weather. Does anyone have experience or advice on how to care best for these trees in the San Antonio areas? Thanks

Bottle Palm Trees in San Antonio, Tx?
Who sold you palms that were not suitable for your area? Most reputable garden centers, nureries or online catalogs will inform you.

Link with hardiness and growth habits

the trees are hardy to 38 degrees

This is your hardiness zone

San Antonio Texas - Zone 8b - 9

Your hardiness in San Antonio is

1.8b 15 to 20 F -6.7 to -9.4 C Austin, Texas; Gainesville, Florida

2.9a 20 to 25 F -3.9 to -6.6 C Houston, Texas; St. Augustine, Florida

3.9b 25 to 30 F -1.2 to -3.8 C Brownsville, Texas; Fort Pierce, Florida

It's going to depend exactly where you are, in the zone factor.

Texas hardiness zone map

Sometimes plants and trees can surprise you and be far more hardy than you think or NOT!


Hyophorbe lagenicaulis

Bottle palm

excerpt from above link

If you get definite freezes, this palm is not for you.

If it were me, I would speak with the people that sold them to you. I'm certain you paid a good amount for them, .

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