Saturday, November 14, 2009

This is what I've eaten so far today - is it healthy?

I'm trying to lose 20 pounds and wondering if I'm eating well.

Is this good so far and what should I eat for dinner?

breakfast- 1 piece of toast, 1 boiled egg, 1 small glass of milk

lunch- boiled vegetables, palm-sized grilled chicken, 100g cup of Silhouette yogurt(40 calories, fat free), one bottle of water

snacks- 1 peach, 100 calorie sunships snack

workouts- 30 sit ups, 1 hour on exercise bike, 20 push-ups, half an hour yoga


This is what I've eaten so far today - is it healthy?
well i think that you are off to a great start

and congrats on deciding to improve your health

maybe try to incorperate some weight training a few days a week you could do like 20 lunges, 20 squats, 20 pushups and 20 curls and work your way up from there gaining a little bit of muscle will make your metabolism faster and help you lose weight

oh and 1 more thing those 100 cal packs really arent that good for you so try to limit how many you have, they are really good to get rid of cravings though
Reply:Don't eat those 100 calorie packs. They are still not good for you.
Reply:OK first of all i dont want to gross you out here but the #1 trick alot of people dont know to losing weight is cleansing or detoxifying your body. As part of a study that i read online, humans and especially Americans can be carrying up to 5 to 20 pounds of waste or fecal matter in their intestinal walls, thus adding to weight, health problems, threatening your life with parasites etc. If you have not internally cleansed yourself the truth of the matter is your attempt to get "healthy" is just providing more nutrients for the parasites that might be feasting upon these calories and/or nutrients. People who have cleansed their colon are guaranteed to lose weight, and sometimes 5 to 10 lbs or more of just feces and other matter they could have been carrying. High energy, less fatigue, a better overall healthy standpoint and mood for life (might seem exaggerated but its the truth) could be achieved by cleansing your colon...i suggest Colonix although i havent really tried it myself...theres also another product called Almighty Cleanse.

Remember drink tons of water, even if you have to drink more than a gallon a day...i workout at the gym alot and drink up to 2 gallons a day of water. Eat tons of vegetables and fruits, and remember that "100 calories a day snack" could be good for you if its done in moderation. Moderation is basically the key to everything no matter if its lettuce, pizza, or cake

-Hope this helps!
Reply:Are you drinking skim milk 2% or whole.. Whole milk is not considered for someone who is trying to eat heathy skim is best followed by 1% then 2%. I have just learned that the 100 calorie snacks are not good for you ...

You seem to be doing an great job... add some fruit for the morning such as strawberries or an banana. Eat oatmeal and cereal such as Total

Good Luck

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