Saturday, November 14, 2009

Whiney/barky and bitey puppy!! Help!!?

I have a 4 month old boxer pup named Jet. He is incredibly whiney/excessively barky and I can't break his biting habit. With the whin/bark, I have been using a squirt bottle and squirting water in his face while saying enough to try to teach him but I have barely had luck. I have also tried taking a glass jar, filling it w/ rocks and shaking it while sayinh enough, but that didn't work at all. What can I do to stop this? I have neighbors and there's a bark ordinance in my county. Plus he needs to learn when and when not to bark, plus he needs to learn to stop whining to get attention. (By the way, I let him out of his pen several times a day for 15 to 30 minutes to run around, so he gets plenty of exercise). Also, what can I do to stop his biting habit? I tried pushing the palm of my hand into his face when he goes to bit to try to make him stop, but that didn't work. Please help!!

Whiney/barky and bitey puppy!! Help!!?
First you said it all,IT'S A PUPPY. He is teething he needs things to chew on.He cannot learn while he is being mistreated I know you don't think so but you train with love pats and hugs not water thrown in your face.Yes that is established treatment but its not working for you.He needs lots of attention and needs to feel confident before he will improve.Change your approach to the dog treat it with dignity and you will get results.
Reply:First you need to train him with treats that gets a puppys attention, and also you need to run around with him, or play something with him.

A puppy bites you because they begin teething at 3 months to almost 8-9 months until they get their teeth.

So its not his fault and he doesnt mean to hurt you buy him some rawhides, treats, and toys so he has something to do.
Reply:My boxer is now older and he use to do all the stuff you just said. To stop biteing and chewing I took chili powder of tabsco sauce and put it on where he bites or chews he didnt like that taste so he stoped right away. The barking I used a water bottle now the winneing to get attaction just takes time to grow out of my 10 year old boxer still does that. You reall should take them out side and let them play for longer then 30 mins boxers are ver very high energy so they need even more time to run it off. Thats what I did and my 1 year boxer is quite and sweet. It takes time remember hes still a puppy.
Reply:Well I can help with the biting:

Steps to a bite free puppy:

Note: this is for a puppy that is biting people.

1.Pick a "No" word.

2.When your puppy bites. Gently roll your puppy on her back and hold her muzzle while growling out the chosen "NO" word.

3. When your baby stops squirming release her and tell her what a good puppy she is!

This is what her litter mates and mom would do to tell her/him they were out of line.

After a few times they'll get the idea.

Hope this helps!
Reply:If you are keeping your dog in an outside kennel, this is part of your problem. Dogs need to be a part of a pack and if that pack lives in doors so should the dog. If by pen, you mean an indoor crate of some kind, then that will be easier.

I recommend an airline travel crate. When your pup is in the crate and it he's barking or whining, you can startle him by gently at first, bang once on the top of the crate and say "hush" or "quiet". Wait out of sight to listen if the he begins again and repeat. If needed increase the level of bang to a louder volume and repeat the "hush". Remember never to talk to your puppy when he is in the crate or pen and whining and always remove yourself from view so he doesn't associate whining with brining you into the room to stay around.

As for biting, try a "yip" every time he lays his teeth on you even when it doesn't hurt. Dogs do this to let the other dog know they are being too rough. If you pup stops even for a moment, reward with a yummy treat. Also, redirecting him with toys and food are tools to use while he is learning good manners. Remember, he is just a puppy. Do not play rough with him as this will encourage him to bite as well.
Reply:ok my dog is 10 months old and bites alot i just started this but it works very well. When he bites you yelp like a puppy would it shows him that hes hurting you and he should back off. I only had to do this once and my dog hasn't bit me once.
Reply:I feel your pain! You are making some mistakes that are common to new puppy owners. Your puppy is demanding attention by whining and barking, and you are rewarding him with attention. I know, I know . . . you're thinking that he's not getting any *positive* attention. But, he is getting attention, and he finds that more rewarding than he finds the squirt in the face/shake of the pebbles punishing. Same thing with pushing him away when he nips -- he sees it as you wanting to play and therefore as rewarding.

I would recommend that you get a clicker and teach him that the sound of a clicker means a treat is coming. It's simple to teach -- simply click the clicker and then treat him. After about 6 -1 0 clicks, he should understand. Now, teach him to be quiet. To do that, find him when he is quiet, click and treat. If he's barking or whining, wait for him to stop for 3 seconds then click and treat. When he is barking IGNORE him completely - don't look at him, don't speak to him, don't touch him. With the biting, remove all attention from him when he puts his teeth on you. Make sure to play with him (don't just expect him to play alone) when he is not biting. You can click and treat when he is playing nicely and IMMEDIATELY remove yourself and the toy if he puts his teeth on you. Again, don't talk to him, don't look at him, don't touch him. Just leave the room.

This is a very powerful (though gentle) training technique. Sometimes it can be confusing until you have seen it and had someone help you with it. If you are having trouble with it, seek out a trainer who uses this type of method.

Good luck.
Reply:First of all - use the word "NO" instead of "enough". When he nips you, say "NO" then immediately put a doggie teether toy or a nylon bone in his mouth and praise him lavishly if he even chews it once. You will have to do this about 700 times for him to really get the idea. He'll eventually learn what gets the good attention. As for the barking - dogs are barking animals - it's how they talk. If they bark a lot - there's some need not getting met. If he's in a pen of some sort without much interaction during the day - he's lonely/having separation anxiety/smart and bored. Dogs are descended from wolves - they're pack animals - they need other creatures around to play with and lie on - like 24/7. He's only 4 months old. Boxers are VERY lively and smart and mouthy and playful - and I can promise you he's going to get worse before he gets better AND he's going to act like a puppy for at least two years. Do you have a doggie day care near you/can you afford it? Do you have family members/friends who can spend time with him during the day? Can you find him a home where he can be himself and try to find a breed of dog that's calmer? Right now - what you're doing is asking him not to act like a puppy - pretty hard for a puppy.
Reply:When he starts biting, say "Annnh!" and walk away for a minute. Don't let him gnaw on your hand. Bring him indoors. That will cure barking. He's wanting to be part of the family, and having him penned up outdoors is not treating him as part of the family.

ice skates

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